What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty and pride!

William Blake
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I’ve been fighting to be who I am all my life. What’s the point of being who I am, if I can’t have the person who was worth all the fighting for? - Stephanie Lennox

  2. There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it. - Shannon L. Alder

  3. If you have the woman you love, what more do you need? Well, besides an alibi for the time of her husband’s murder.
 - Unknown

  4. I know what it is to live entirely for and with what I love best on earth. I hold myself supremely blest -- blest beyond what language can express because I am my husband's life as fully as he is mine. - Unknown

  5. I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender. - Rodney Dangerfield

More Quotes By William Blake
  1. If a thing loves, it is infinite.

  2. Eternity is in love with the productions of time.

  3. To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.

  4. What is now proved was once only imagined.

  5. A man can't soar too high, when he flies with his own wings.

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